XVIII rahvusvaheline koorifestival “Tallinn 2025”
Laupäeval, 26. aprillil kell 12.00 festivalikontsert Tallinna Jaani kirikus
- ETV lastekoor (Eesti)
- Segakoor Norise (Läti)
- The Epiphoni Consort (UK)
- Velenje Akadeemiline Segakoor (Sloveenia)
Piletid 10 € / 5 € Piletitaskust ja enne algust kohapeal
The 18th International Choir Festival “Tallinn 2025”
Saturday, April 26
12.00 Festival Concert in Jaani Church, 1 Vabaduse Sq
- Children’s Choir of Estonian Television (Estonia)
- Mixed Choir Norise (Latvia)
- The Epiphoni Consort (UK)
- Academic choir of Velenje (Slovenia)
Tickets 10 € / 5 € from Piletitasku and before the event on the spot