Estonian Choral Conductors Association

Estonian Choral Conductors Association (ECCA) is a professional association of choir conductors which was created on 17th of December 2001 and recreated on 8th of March 2004. ECCA is the youngest sub-association of the Estonian Choral Association, which is called upon to protect the creative and legal interests and rights of its members, as well as to help increase their professionalism.

At present, there are 231 choir conductors in the ECCA. ECCA’s primary task is currently to increase its membership.

In order for ECCA to be able to stand up for the rights of its members, broad-based support is needed. All those for whom the union has been created must be visible – not abstract 600 Estonian choir conductors, but a specific person with a specific name.

The board of ECCA:

Heli Jürgenson- Chairwoman
Hirvo Surva
Allan Tamme
Indrek Vijard
Mai Simson
Varje Vürst – Consultant