International festivals calendar

XV International Sacred Music Festival “Silver Bells”, Daugavpils, Latvia

12/01/2024 - 14/01/2024


Phone:  +(371) 20613225 (Unity House),+(371)29538278 (Festival coordinator Jevgeņijs Ustinskovs),,
All the competition participants till 1st December 2023 have to send the application form to the e-mail address
Competition of choirs, vocal ensembles and choir conductors. During the Festival, a competition of amateur vocal ensembles, amateur choirs and young choir conductors is held in the following categories:

A: Children Choirs (all singers up to 15 years of age included, 20-50 participants)
B: Youth Choirs (up to 25 years of age, 20-50 participants)
C: Adult Choirs of Equal Voices(male or female, 20-50 participants)
D: Mixed Choirs (20-50 participants)
E: Chamber choirs (12- 25 participants without age limit)
F: Children Vocal Ensembles (all singers up to 15 years of age, 5- 11 participants)
G: Adult Vocal Ensembles (5- 11 participants)
H: Latvian Sacred Music (without age limit and no limit on the number of singers)
I: Contemporary sacred music (all works written not earlier than 1970, 5- 50 participants, no age limit)
J: Spiritual, gospel, jazz & pop (5- 50 participants, without age limit)
K: Choral conductors (birth year 2004 and younger)
L: Choral conductors (birth year 1994 and younger)

The competition for choirs and vocal ensembles is divided into two rounds.

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