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- March 8, 2025 at 11am (Finland UTC+2, 17pm Singapore Time)
Darius Lim, Singapore: The Magic of Children’s Voices
- March 22, 2025, at 12pm (Finland UTC+2, 10am Great Britain time)
Mat Wright, Great Britain: Building a vibrant choir community
- April 5, 2025, at 11am (Finland UTC+3, 8pm New Zealand time)
Karen Grylls, New Zealand: View from the choir: a New Zealand picture
- April 12, 2025, at 7pm (Finland UTC+3, 12pm Toronto time)
Zimfira Poloz, Canada: Conducting Techniques and Voice Training for Children
- May 3, 2025, at 11am (Finland UTC+3, 11am Estonian time)
Aarne Saluveer, Estonia: Let’s start a children choir! Repertoire and teaching tips for children choir conductors